Mohamad Pauzi Zakaria
Faculty of Environmental Studies Universiti Putra Malaysia
専門分野:Environmental Organic Geochemistry
The ESD Program will let us understand the value of environment. Modern lifestyle has led to some degree of environmental degradation. Hence, ESD program has been contributing towards environmental conservation and preservation.
Hoang Hai
International Cooperation Department, The University of Danang
専門分野:Environmental economic evaluation (esp. stated preference methods), Risk analysis of technology, Analysis of information flow in built environments, Environmental Education, Environmental Policy Analysis
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) helps us to learn together and to find alternative ways of modern living as well as solutions to current environmental problems which are happening in my country as well as in your countries. ESD could help to put us on the path to sustainable development. If you are in interested in ESD, you should learn and deliver ESD program to a local community.
Teresita R. Perez
Department of Environmental Science, Ateneo de Manila University
専門分野:limnology, psychology, bioremediation, water quality studies
The Education for Sustainable Development offered by Kobe College offers a holistic formation for women of Asia. It is a reality that because of industrialization the quality of the ecosystem has rapidly degenerated. This situation is reinforced by the impacts of climate change thus lessening ecosystem as well as economic services of our resources.
Women comprise approximately 50 % of the Asian population and this sector as mothers and wives have a significant role in the protection as well as preservation of our nature. The ESD program offered by Kobe College offers the opportunity for women empowerment through the one year training. This program focuses on development of women leaders in our region who will nurture the environment.
Chih-Ching Chien
Graduate School of Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Yuan Ze University
専門分野:Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology; Microbial Diversity
Welcome to the class Environmental issues and ESD progress in Asia. It is my pleasure to share my thoughts on some of the important issues of environmental protection and preservation in Taiwan with you. I hope you will enjoy the classes.
Inneke F M Rumengan
Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Sam Ratulangi University
専門分野:Environmental studies with biotechnological approaches
The opportunity to participate in the ESD program is a life-changing experience. Having the ability to take courses, in particular, regarding the Environmental issues and ESD progress makes students be aware and willing to actively participate in conserving the environment. Others value the ability to have more friends and know well about Japan culture.
Ellen Joan Kumaat
Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Sam Ratulangi University
専門分野:Civil Engineering, Structure Engineering
Global warming is happening and it is going to get worst if we do not do anything about it.
As responsible individuals, we strive to reduce that causes of Global Climate Change.
That is why ESD Program is an interesting and important program to learn and to do so.
Maricar S. Prudente
Science Education Department, De La Salle University
専門分野:Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology; Science Education
Warmest greetings to the students of the ESD program. As an environmental educator and researcher, I am very happy to know that you have decided to take a more active role in keeping yourself knowledgeable about the different relevant issues about the environment. Through this program, women can be enabled and empowered to participate better in the affairs about the environment and in making sure that its sustainability can be ensured for the future generations. Let's be the "women warriors and protectors" of our one and only - Mother Earth!
地域社会の中でESDを促進することの重要性、特に女性がそれに関与することの重要性は、世界で次第に大きくなりつつあります。そのため、文部科学省平成21年度科学技術振興調整費「戦略的環境リーダー育成拠点形成」の助成を受け、アジアと日本の女子学生が共に学ぶプログラムを開始しました。本プログラムでは、アジア各国から受け入れた女子大学院生と日本人大学院生が、環境科学・人間行動学・バイオテクノロジーなどを学び、持続可能な発展のための教育(ESD: Education for Sustainable Development)を通して地域のリーダーとなることを目指します。
① 地域に根差した課題を見つける能力
② 幅広い視野から問題の解決を考える能力
③ 多くの人と協働して事に当たる能力
④ 地域のリーダー的役割を果たす能力
持続可能な開発(Sustainable Development)を進めていくには、この種の問題を解決するための科学が必要であり、同時に少し逆説的にいえばいまのわれわれが手にできる情報は不確実で、その科学がとうてい万能ではないとわきまえる悟性が必要となります。これは科学技術万能を信じたり、科学技術をすべて否定したりするよりも、はるかに難しいことかもしれませんが、他によい選択肢はありません。そのために持続可能な開発のための教育(Education for Sustainable Development: ESD)を推進していく必要があります。われわれのESDプログラムは、環境のための科学を学んでもらい、科学的な基礎の上に立って「持続可能な開発」を理解することを重視しています。その上で、もう1つの柱として、科学と社会をつなぐための実践的な教育のあり方を学んでもらうことを重視しています。日本は、環境を犠牲にして経済発展する過程で多くのことを学んできました。それが科学と市民活動に結実しています。われわれのプログラムは、この2つをもう一度接近させ、日本だけでなく海外のこれから経済発展を迎えようとしている国々にもその成果を伝えていくことをめざしています。